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EXPERTISE | Contractmanagement

Contract management and the agreement

‘Good agreements, good friends’

Formally, an agreement is a multilateral legal act whereby one or more parties enters into a commitment towards one or more other parties.
In principle an agreement is free in form, entailing that parties should be able to establish almost anything between each other, unless the law imposes certain formalities.

That also means verbal agreements are legally valid and enforceable, although it should be noted that providing proof of a verbal agreement is not always straightforward.

So as to make the nature and scope of the agreements clear, and to avoid evidential problems, an agreement is usually established in a written document signed by the parties, commonly known as a contract.

Negotiating and drafting a contract

The statutory framework provides a great many restricts concerning agreements, such as when these are concluded with consumers. However, even then there is still considerable space for being creative and agreeing on mutual arrangements and clauses.

With our expertise accrued over three decades in drafting agreements, we know what the options are within often strict statutory frameworks, and thus also what emphases to place and which dangers to circumvent. We create the contract you require with your profile and interests in mind.

You deserve a balanced contract with well-considered and negotiated clauses proactively responding to any possible hypotheses: you can but benefit from it.

Contract management, monitoring and enforcing agreements

Drawing up a good agreement that fully safeguards your interests is essential; likewise being able to monitor and enforce these legally.

We represent you in all legal and extralegal disputes concerning your agreements. Starting with reminders, to default notices, to court summons, to representation in court, and finally assistance in implementing the sentence.

Vanhoucke Law is happy to assist, should you require any legal advice and/or guidance.

Please get in touch with us. We help you safeguard your interests.